Is Henna safe to dye hair?

Henna is a beautiful word. It has amazing herbal properties that will increase your hair's growth and sharpness, just like its wonderful name. You can also choose to use henna with chemicals that damage your hair's core instead of natural henna. Henna can also protect hair from sun damage. Henna has been commercially successful as a hair conditioner and nourishes hair. Studies have shown that Henna is better than any other conditioner. Regular use improves hair texture and shine. Henna can be used as a natural dye for hair. Some might still wonder if henna is good for hair. Is henna a safe hair color option? Many myths claim that henna is bad for hair. They don't specify which kind of henna. Let's get to the bottom of this. Yes, Henna can be used for hair. However, you must ensure that it is 100% natural. Even the smallest amount of Henna can cause hair damage and hair loss. Learn how to distinguish between pure henna and henna with chemicals added. P.S. P.S. - Before...