Main differences between Leading Safety Indicators and Lagging Safety Indicators.
Your firm can better understand how possible hazards arise and what you can do to reduce overall risk by using leading and lagging safety indicators. However, what do you mean by Lagging and leading indicators? How do they differ from one another? What you need to know is as follows. Leading indicators are proactive and preventive actions that can provide insight into the efficacy of safety and health activities and highlight possible issues in a safety and health program. Leading indications at office safety consultants in India include things like how many training hours have been completed, how many dangers have been found, and how long it typically takes to execute corrective actions. Lagging indicators, such as the quantity or frequency of accidents, illnesses, and fatalities, quantify the occurrence and frequency of past occurrences. Such as Statistics on unemployment, business earnings, or interest rates. A statutory safety audit looks at a workplace to make sure tha...